Category Archives: Resolutions

52 Week Money Challenge


I saw this making the rounds on Facebook earlier this week and Simply Stacia blogged about it today. [52 week money challenge. save $1378 in 2013]

I’m tired of wondering how I’m going to pay for Christmas and my The Rock Boat vacation that happens shortly after the New Year.

I have an empty water bottle that I throw loose change into. I’m going to be adding my bi-weekly contributions to this bottle as well, so I can watch my savings grow! (And I promise not to ‘borrow’ from it!)

Let’s do this!

Mid-January Resolution Report

So we’re about three-quarters of the way through January and I’m making progress with my monthly resolution for weight loss, eating healthier, and adding exercise to my daily routine. Is it still true that two out of three ain’t bad?

I’ve been trying to follow a low carb-type diet. Giving up bread and pasta has been fairly easy. I do, however, miss the easy bowl of cereal for dinner!  I’ve been good at packing my lunch.  I’ve been out socially for the past two weekends and have limited myself to diet coke only (and I’ve still had a good time!).  I’ve drastically cut back on making any type of “processed” foods. I have, however, also allowed myself one day per week to “cheat” per se. This has been beneficial as I’ve been able to eat something I’ve been craving, but I have not gone completely overboard. (Yay, Me!)

So far, my reward for watching my food intake has been a loss of four pounds. Again, this time around, I forgot to weigh myself on the first day.  (I hope I’ll learn sooner rather than later.) While I’m anxious for the pounds to drop off, I know it will take some time, and a little more effort in the exercise arena.  I used a Christmas gift card to buy a kettle bell weight set. My next goal is to pop in the DVD and actually work out! Baby steps, right?


In years past, I have joined the masses and come up with a list of resolutions that I typically forget about by mid-month. The resolutions usually revolve around weight loss and financial health with ideas of eating healthier, exercising, and getting back on my feet financially. I saw a tweet from someone (can’t remember who) who mentioned that they were doing one resolution per month, and I thought to myself, this is a great idea!  Rather than make that laundry list of resolutions that I’ll end up ignoring, I’m make one resolution per month, starting in January.

January’s resolution will still revolve around weight loss, eating healthier, and adding exercise to my daily routine.  With The Rock Boat not setting sail until March, I have two months to whip myself into some type of “boat shape.”  I’ve been very sloppy with my diet over the past six months and have not been as active as previous years.  Since I have previously had success with a low carb diet, I am going to try this method again. I’m only a week in, but I seem to be doing okay, and have lost at least 3.5 lbs to date (I forgot to weigh myself on Day 1). Cutting the carbs from my diet has not been a huge sacrifice, however, my sweet tooth still craves a bite of something after lunch and dinner every day. I’ll be hitting the internet to find some low-carb friendly dessert options to get me through the next two months.

Also starting soon will be some type of exercise program. Due to the holidays and my work schedule, I have been absent from my twice a week yoga practices. I resolve to get back into the practice of attending these free classes on my lunch break during the work week.  I have also returned to the weekend pick-up game of Ultimate Frisbee.  Running around for an hour should help shed some pounds!  In addition to yoga and ultimate frisbee, I am also going to try to throw in some work outs with weights and/or my exercise ball. It’s time to get rid of this belly pooch and the bat wing arms that I have, as well as help me feel and look better!

So there’s my plan for January! While I’m walking around the neighborhood listening to the tunes on my phone, I’ll need to think of a resolution for February.

So how are you coming along on your list?