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money mash up 1/21

Money Mash Up 1/21

I’m continuing  money mash up – 1/21 hosted by Simply Stacia.

1.  The most money I’ve spent last week was (or I should say WILL be spending) will be $112 for a ticket. I gambled with an expired car inspection.

2.  A low-cost or free thing I did this past week was was have my stepdad help me change my spark plugs/wires AND stayed in again this Saturday night.

3.  The one thing I did for another was provided a referral to someone on twitter. She was looking for a place to get rid an old car that wouldn’t start and I referred her to my former neighbor who owns a place for clunkers.

4.  Something I really need to accomplish this week is get my car situation taken care of.

5.  I am planning a vacation in one month! This is my annual “mom” trip and I’m taking my son with me as a birthday/graduation present. I have the opportunity for other “mom” vacations, but finances will probably prevent me for them. And I always take a day trip or two to the beaches at Erie with the kids over the summer. It gets us our sun and sand and doesn’t cost us too much.

How was your week?

money mash up 1/14

via money mash up – 1/14.

1.  The most money I’ve spent last week was for $71 to get a passport card for Vampire Boy. As part of an 18th birthday and graduation gift, I’m taking him with me and my friends on The Rock Boat, next month. He could have boarded with his birth certificate, but I’d feel more comfortable if he has a passport card.

2.  A low-cost or free thing I did this past week was stay home last weekend. Not going out anywhere really helps me to not spend randomly.

3.  The one thing I did for another was ?. I know I feel like I do a lot for others, but I think it’s so automatic for me, I can never remember any particular instance to talk about.

4.  Something I really need to accomplish this week is to get my car an appointment at the garage for both an evaluation (thank you, Check Engine light) and an annual inspection. I also need to prod myself out of this funk I seem to be in.

5.  I’m dying to try getting my life in order this year. I’m not where I want to be after five years of living at this address.

How was your week?

52 Week Money Challenge


I saw this making the rounds on Facebook earlier this week and Simply Stacia blogged about it today. [52 week money challenge. save $1378 in 2013]

I’m tired of wondering how I’m going to pay for Christmas and my The Rock Boat vacation that happens shortly after the New Year.

I have an empty water bottle that I throw loose change into. I’m going to be adding my bi-weekly contributions to this bottle as well, so I can watch my savings grow! (And I promise not to ‘borrow’ from it!)

Let’s do this!